We exist to fuel revival through equipping the body of Christ.

We are a community of people passionately pursuing Jesus together. We believe that every individual is created with purpose and power by a loving God, designed to live and love like Jesus in their individual spheres of influence. Our heart is to train and equip believers in Kingdom living: walking out all aspects of our true identity in Christ.
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Intimacy with God
Foundational to developing a Spirit-led supernatural lifestyle is intimacy with God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We encounter God as we grow a deep, loving relationship with Him through worship, the Bible, prayer and living in His presence.
When we want to know and live in our identity as children of God, we walk out our authority, royalty, holiness, anointing, passion, purpose and power just as the character of Christ.
Living a supernatural lifestyle
We are all designed to live a supernatural lifestyle, just like Jesus. We grow in our spiritual gifts like prophecy, miracles and healings by actively pursuing, practicing and using them. We proclaim the Kingdom through our daily lives with love for people to be healed, saved and delivered.
As we pursue Kingdom living we are compelled by His love to surrender all to Him and be all that He intends us to be. His plans and purposes for us are good and as we are empowered and released to grow in our individual passions and giftings we see His glory manifest on earth in the world around us.